This way we aim to achieve the following: -
Primary aim of our school is spontaneous growth and development of individuals- physical, mental, moral, spiritual values and ultimately to form him/ her into a true citizen of the nation. We aim at the all round development of children by developing & adopting English medium language curriculum. We nurture an atmosphre of trust between student, staff, parents and school administration. We aim at the quality of self reliance, mutual help, team spirit, service of general awareness, leadership, character building of the children and propagation of patriotic sentiments.
We, at Immortal International School, Halduchaur stand committed to impart quality education, the holistic development of children and the realization of their potentiality to the maximum.
We as a team aim to achieve excellence in education by: -
This way we aim to achieve the following: -
Our school will always focus on different aspects of education followed by the activities. It has trained dedicated faculty members. They are the amalgamation of good work, discipline and punctuality. The focus is on the reinforcement and endorsement of a child's capability through many fold activities and learning exercises. Oct medium of instruction will be exclusively English which is globally accepted as international language. Our teaching environment is based on love, affection and motherly touch.